# Palm Clinic ITRex Internship Training-Project ## Preparation for the launch and deployment of the project: 1. Download and install docker on your PC from the [link](https://www.docker.com/get-started). 2. Download and install Heroku CLI on your PC from the [link](https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/heroku-cli#download-and-install). 3. Install Node JS on your computer from the [link](https://nodejs.org/en/). 4. Clone a repository, in the directory where you want to download the project, launch the terminal or command line, write the command
``git clone https://gitlab.itrexgroup.com/denis.zlobich/ITRex-INTERNSHIP.git && cd ITRex-INTERNSHIP && npm install``. ### Instructions for running the application locally: 1. Open a terminal in the project directory and write the command
``docker build -t deniszlobich/aqa .``. 2. Open a terminal in the project directory and write the command
``docker run -d -p 9000:9000 deniszlobich/aqa``. 3. Open a browser and in the address bar write this URL [http://localhost:9000/](http://localhost:9000/). ### Instructions for running the application remotely: 1. Register for [Heroku](https://signup.heroku.com/login). 2. Open a terminal in the project directory and write the command
`` heroku create aqa-lab && git push heroku main && heroku open``. ### Instructions for starting the development server: 1. Open a terminal in the project directory and write the command ``npm start``. ### Documentation for used commands : ``npm start`` - runs the app in the development mode. Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser. The page will reload if you make edits. You will also see any lint errors in the console.
``docker run 9000:9000 deniszlobich/aqa`` - creates a container based on image **_deniszlobich/aqa_**.
``heroku open`` - opens a tab in your browser with a project deployment.
``heroku create`` - creates a new app on your Heroku account. The command’s output shows that the app will be available a [http://example.herokuapp.com]( http://example.herokuapp.com). The second URL, git.heroku.com/example.git, is the remote git repository URL; by default, the heroku create command automatically adds a git remote named “heroku” pointing at this URL.
``git push heroku main`` - creates a build of the project and sends it to the remote Heroku repository for deployment.
``docker build -t deniszlobich/aqa .`` - creates a image of the project named **_deniszlobich/aqa_**

Documentation API - [Swagger](https://reactlabapi.herokuapp.com/api/docs/#/).

Deploy - [Heroku](https://palm-clinic.herokuapp.com/)