# Palm Clinic ITRex Internship Training-Project ### Instructions for running the application locally: 1. Download and install docker on your PC from the [link](https://www.docker.com/get-started) 2. In the terminal of your computer, write the command
``docker run -d -p 9000:9000 deniszlobich/aqa`` 3. Open a browser and in the address bar write this URL "http://localhost:9000/" ### Instructions for running the application remotely: 1. Download and install Heroku CLI on your PC from the [link](https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/heroku-cli#download-and-install) 2. Register for [Heroku](https://signup.heroku.com/login) 3. In the directory where you want to download the project, launch the terminal or command line, write the command
``git clone https://gitlab.itrexgroup.com/denis.zlobich/ITRex-INTERNSHIP.git && cd ITRex-INTERNSHIP && heroku create && git push heroku main && heroku open`` ####Documentation API - [Swagger](https://reactlabapi.herokuapp.com/api/docs/#/).
####Deploy - [Heroku](https://palm-clinic.herokuapp.com/)